Monday, 13 May 2013

New bedroom! :)

Well this is going to be a little post me thinks again :) So recently my brother, Ben, moved out (whippieee)! This is kinda sad as I don't get to see him as much and I do really miss him (I hope he doesn't see that) although.... It also means that I get his old room! Now my friends this is very good news because I basically had a box of a room, no lighting really apart from my desk light and now I have a room so much bigger and lighter! We just finished it this weekend and I have to say it looks so much nicer than I expected :') Here it is.... 

Pillows and Teddies

Duvet Cover



Crafts Elephant

Pretty picture

Heart lights

Best Frame
Now I know you might all be thinking, why am I doing a post like this? Well truthfully it's because I am amazed at what I have managed to do, I did most of the painting in here, and also helped build everything (my dad did that hard parts) and I am pretty damn proud of myself :) I have never had anything so pretty and fun before and I intend to keep it all clean and lovely this time :) this is one thing that I have managed to cram in before my exams... (starting tomorrow eek) 

Well thank you for the read :) TTFN <3 

Micky xxxx

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