Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Holiday plans..

SO! Now we are on the Easter holiday's I have decided to do something more with my time than revise, sleep & watch TV. I am going to lose weight. For those who are reading this and know me then you will know I am a whale, well I am going to put everything I have into losing weight this holiday. I have two weeks to show myself that I can do it and by summer I hope to look better. I have always tried to lose weight but failed, I may have been able to keep up a diet for about a week... if that... but this time I am more determined than ever! Having friends that are skinny little poles, it's made me see how different I am compared to them... so I am doing it this time! I will take it seriously! :)

I have started today by not having the sweet delights that I would normally fill myself with, I also had a blast on the Wii... I haven't been on for a while... It was great fun! Although.. short story: I started it by doing the BMI test... weight n'all... then it asked me to complete two balance tests, I did,,, BUT my dad was standing on the back of the board... which messed it all up, I hadn't noticed, I just thought my balance was shocking. Anyway, I completed it all oblivious of what he was doing, it then told me that my age was 34 I was like WTF!? Dad laughs at me, along with my brother... then blabs he was pushing on the back of it! He did get beats... he left the room injured >:) I then re did my tests and got the age of 17! I was very proud considering in just under a month that's the age I will be :)

Continuing... so I have 2 weeks off school, my aim is to at least knock off a few pounds... I WILL do it... I will continue to tell you of my progress over my time, although I won't tell you my weight because that is just embarrassing... :) So hey, hope you all have a great week or two if you off school... and also hope you have had a great Easter :) Peace out.... xxx

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